When it comes to diamonds, diamond dealers and experts will examine a diamond based off of a system that consists of four C's. These four C's are color, cut, clarity, and carats. The carat size of a diamond engagement ring indicates its weight, and normally diamonds that are heavier are more precious on the market. The color of a diamond is something that's very much related to taste, but the  diamond color is that of a colorless nature; there are numerous colors of diamonds, and many specialty blue or yellow diamonds are available. The usual color of diamond is brown, but these diamonds are often used in industrial areas because the color is undesirable in the present market. Clarity determines how spotless the diamond is from the inside, and if there are any spots on the diamond that will make it lopsided or otherwise 'flawed'. The cut of a diamond is the shape that the diamond has been shaped into, and there are a number of cuts; from emerald, to marquise, to heart and many more, the choices of cuts are very wide and very pleasing for the potential diamond buyer.

The one C that may be the most crucial to a potential owner of a diamond engagement ring, however, is Cost. Diamonds are alarmingly expensive, and oftentimes customers will simply be able to afford diamonds, even if they are buying the wholesale diamond rings. This daunting C can often deter many people, and entire budgets must be made around the acquisition of a beautiful and sparkling diamond ring. For more posh styles of ring, such as the three-stone engagement ring, this topic can be sevenfold. There are a couple of ways, though, to try and make sure that this fifth C isn't a frightening and imminent giant, shadowing the beauty of marriage and the timeless gift of the engagement ring.

Alternatives to the classic diamond engagement ring exist. Cubic zirconium is a material that is utilized to create replica diamonds that are very convincing duplicates. Copying a flawless and crystal clear diamond, in any cut available, since they are synthesized in a controlled surrounding and not harvested from mines across the world, cubic zirconias, or CZs, are a very attractive alternative to the conventional engagement ring for the buyer with the more anemic wallet. Setbacks exist, of course, as with all less pricy substitutes. CZs do not have the lasting power of a real diamond, and their synthesis is fairly blatant to anyone who is an expert with the world of diamonds and is cognizant of what a real diamond looks like.

If It's a true diamond you look for and you either have the money to afford it or are willing to save up to go past that troublesome fifth C, or you would rather opt out for the convincing semblance, DiamondWave is an online diamond ring wholesale dealer that has a great selection of white gold engagement rings and many more options to build your own diamond ring.

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